Well in our opinion this race definitely ends in a draw. As media buyers you may ask us why….

We at Proud Media we see merits in both. We advise our clients for both. We plan strategies that play to the strengths of both…so why wouldn’t we promote the benefits of both? There is often a place in a marketing strategy where online advertising may produce the best result but, on the flipside, the same can be said for traditional media.

True, online marketing is growing at a rate of knots since the first banner ad appeared in 1995 but that’s not to say that the end is nigh for traditional media. Although many of the traditional media suppliers we work with are embracing the phenomena and replicating their content online, they are not moving to close down their newspaper or radio station at the same time. They are offering both options so that consumers can interact with them as they choose… therefore both options are open to advertisers.

That’s the key element here. Many reports you might read will state that only online media can interact with an audience on their terms, but that’s not exactly true. My father chooses to refer to his local paper to find a plumber rather than search online. I, for one, love listening to the radio in the car, it’s my down time and I often find companies I’d like to find out more about by the ads I hear there. While many people research products they need online, it’s not necessarily the ad next to their facebook timeline that leads them there.

On the same token when I want a new dress, pair of shoes or bikini I might head to a website based on something I’ve seen on instagram or an ad in Google Adwords or a banner on a news website – and that’s my choice – I’ve chosen to respond to an ad whether it be something I’ve heard in the car or something I’ve seen while reading the morning headlines on my laptop.

Consumers shouldn’t be pigeonholed and therefore nether should your marketing. All that said, before embarking on a campaign solely booked on TV or using CourierMail.com.au exclusively, research needs to be done. Work with us to take a look at your target audience, look for complementing media for your campaign. Will a campaign that mixes both traditional and online media get you a great return on investment? Or, will one work better than the other for your particular product or customer?

We at Proud Media can help you with both options to determine which one is the best for you no matter where it appears.