Does outdoor advertising support a campaign?

We really think it does! Here’s why! Clients often ask us “what is the best way to maintain my brand awareness while I’m running other promotional or call to action campaigns” and although the answer may have many options, more often than not it includes a...

Traditional or Online Marketing…… which one wins?

Well in our opinion this race definitely ends in a draw. As media buyers you may ask us why…. We at Proud Media we see merits in both. We advise our clients for both. We plan strategies that play to the strengths of both…so why wouldn’t we promote the benefits of...

Message from Mike – Everyone is in sales.

Having worked with literally thousands of small businesses all over the world, one of the biggest concerns I hear from business owners goes something like this: “Ewwww selling! That’s icky. Gross… No I am not in selling. I am in the service business, or I am a...

What is Media Buying and what does a Proud Media Buyer do?

Often when we’re in conversation and someone asks us what we do for a living and we say “I’m a Media Buyer” the response tends to be a blank face, followed quickly with… “Huh? What’s that?” So for anyone who doesn’t know, or anyone who thinks they know but isn’t sure,...